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Does Find Familiar Look Like Regular Animal

Does Find Familiar Look Like Regular Animal

[A conversation between myself and Chase.]

Me: "Enquire me what my spirit animal is."

Chase: "You accept a spirit animal?"

Me: "I do not. Only remember my post about wasp magic? I was kind of hoping that someone would make a annotate about wasps being my spirit animal, so that I could write about how the whole spirit animal thing is appropriative, just nobody did. So I need yous to do it."

"Well, in my opinion, wasps are too overt for you. You'd be something destructive, unassuming but devastating in your total power. But also, I'thou not sure you lot wake up every twenty-four hour period and cull violence. If you did, you'd be a swan — alluring and seductive in theory, but absolute anarchy in practice."

I mean… he's not off-base. (Image via Pixabay.)

Then. Spirit animate being. I'm not downwardly with it. The words audio, at least to my ears, callously derivative of Indigenous civilization, and the first time I heard them, I was like, "This seems problematic, just nobody else seems to retrieve it's problematic, so I'g merely going to press pause and focus on educating myself."

It was basically the same mode I felt when Friends was yet on the air.

Only yous know how I figured out information technology actually was appropriative? Whenever an Indigenous person on the Internet would say, "Please don't use the term 'spirit animal,'" white people — and I say this equally a white people myself — would get really upset virtually it. It was very, "UGH. Y'all can't say ANYTHING anymore without someone getting all OFFENDED."

And actually, you can in fact say whatever number of things that won't offend anyone. Since we've got the unabridged English language at our disposal, we tin can easily express ourselves in ways that don't actively denigrate marginalized cultures.

The term "spirit animal" — or sometimes "power beast" — was coopted by the New Age industrial complex back in the 80s and early 90s and marketed as an aspect of "traditional Native American spirituality." Information technology worked its way into popular culture vernacular from there, and it's now used ironically as a way to express admiration, appreciation or affection, the first documented occurrence tracing back to 2006, when someone on a message board stated that Samuel 50. Jackson was his spirit fauna.

Power animals and fairies and aromatherapy. I may have just opened a New Age boutique. (Image via Pixabay.)

I get that most people aren't knowingly trying to subjugate Indigenous cultures when they say "spirit animal," just information technology also doesn't really hateful what they call back information technology does. Withal, Witches have always been connected with animals, and those connections are distinct and varied — then, in the interest of intentional, cruelty-free advice, I've compiled a list of phrases that tin exist used in place of "spirit animal," so that we tin describe our relationships with our favorite animate being as specifically as possible. Here they are:

  • Soul Animal
  • Tutelary
  • Familiar
  • Fetch
  • Daemon
  • Genius Loci
  • Mascot
  • Accuse
  • Fursona
  • Patronus

Will this whole pitch crash like a goose into Fabio'south face? Quite possibly. Simply that is a take chances my animal nature is willing to take. En garde.

Soul Brute

The Finnish word sieluneläin literally translates as "soul animal," meaning an animal that inherently reflects an individual'due south personality. The word has pre-Christian origins, just over the centuries, it'due south lost any mystic connotations, so even if yous don't have Finnish heritage, you can still use it without cribbing.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a butterfly with a taser. (Paradigm via Pixabay.)

The best caption of sieluneläin I've been able to find comes from a Tumblr post (to which my calculator refuses to let me hyperlink):

If yous see a corgi laying downwards in a creek merely fucking letting water run over her because she can't bother to move and think 'same,' that's your soul animal.

And yeah, I know that "soul" and "spirit" are nominally interchangeable concepts, but call up, nosotros're trying to be specific with our word choices. In this instance, "soul fauna" as a descriptor transmits the emotion, "I relate so hard to that corgi" much more accurately than "spirit animal" does.


A tutelary, or tutelar, is a protective spirit that guides and watches over a person or group of people. Guardian angels and patron saints are tutelary spirits, as is St. Gulik.

Out of all the words on this list, this is the 1 I'd like to see used with more regularity, since it conveys a sense of respect, and a willingness to learn.

To the litter box and across! (Prototype via Pixabay.)

It makes a skilful metaphor, too. For example, "Samuel 50. Jackson is my tutelary spirit" suggests that he'south your role model, someone you look upward to and want to emulate. Truth be told, a whole lot of us could stand to be more like Samuel Jackson.


In folkloric terms, a familiar is a spirit in service to a Witch or cunning person, which can take the class of an animal or pocket-sized humanoid. Some Witches refer to their pets as familiars, and while it's not the traditional usage of the word, I'm not bothered by it.

Tybalt has a cat who'southward attuned to the occult and gets super inquisitive and paws-on when nosotros circle, and he has some other cat who seems concerned that nosotros're dancing effectually the living room naked, but otherwise can't exist bothered. The former is definitely a familiar, and the latter is evidently some sort of Loftier Protestant.

Raven with a man skull: [appears in a crackling wink of light-green flame] Me: "Oh. Hey, Mortellus." (Paradigm via Pixabay.)

Whatever animal that automatically makes you think of Witchcraft, or that makes you feel Witchy in general, would fall into this category. Like, if you bought a tarantula entirely because of the kitchen scene towards the end of Practical Magic, that could safely be described as a familiar.


In Irish sociology, a fetch is a spirit that resembles a living human. In the Feri Tradition of Witchcraft, the fetch is the "lower cocky," much like the Id.

The fetch really has a lot in common with the sieluneläin, since both are names for the 3rd part of the soul, admitting in two different belief systems. Some sources brand fetches and familiars out to be the same affair, only historically, a fetch has a more independent existence than a familiar.

"Look! Another birdie! Eat that one as well." (Image via Pixabay.)

Personally, I tend to recollect of fetches as impulsive and infectious. Is there a wildly entertaining TikTok trip the light fantastic toe craze that you're unable to stop watching? If so, that'south your fetch.

And you tin finally make fetch happen.

I'll evidence myself out.


In Greek mythology, a daemon or daimon is a minor deity, similar a nymph, river spirit, or satyr. Personifications are also considered to be daemons, so as the Personification of Strife, Eris is (THE BEST) daemon.

Humans besides accept personal daemons that make up one's mind their individual fates. If you've read the His Dark Materials books, or seen The Gilt Compass or watched the HBO series, then you're familiar with the idea of a daemon as a physical manifestation of the soul.

Who fnord it better? (Prototype via Pixabay.)

From a secular perspective, a daemon would be someone or something you love to the point that it steers your schedule and/or determination-making process — similar, if you plan your vacations around your favorite band'southward bout dates, or if your friends know never to call you when RuPaul'due south Drag Race is on. Katya Zamolodchikova is Chase'due south daemon, in that he has a devotion to her that borders on religious fervor.

Genius Loci

In Roman organized religion, a genius loci is a protective spirit of a place. Ancient iconography of genii locorum ofttimes depict them holding items associated with fertility and bounty, similar cornucopias, snakes, and offering bowls.

I take a theory that many cryptids — Bigfoot, say, or the Loch Ness Monster — are actually genii locorum, and only certain people are sensitive enough to visually perceive them. I have nevertheless to see a cryptid myself, but I'm hopeful that my hostage belief will make them amenable to posing for some blurry photographs.

Peace Tortoise sounding louder. Glide on the Peace Tortoise. (Image via Pixabay.)

The well-nigh recognizable mod-24-hour interval examples of genii locorumare probably garden gnomes and backyard flamingos. A expert friend of mine has two giant stone lions that sit on either side of the steps leading up to his house, and those role every bit extremely statelygenii locorum.


Information technology's a lot less mundane than it sounds. A mascot is an animal, caricature, or talisman idea to bring luck or victory, which as well serves as a public identity.

We're used to the thought of sports teams having mascots, only private organizations often accept mascots every bit well. The Misfits, for instance, take a stuffed-toy Taz that someone fished out of a Conservancy Army clearance bin xxx years ago, and our pledges must keep him condom and protect him at all costs. (And let me tell you: Taz has seen some shit.)

And it'southward Team Crab for the win! (Image via Pixabay.)

Outside of sports and leather clubs, any accessory that contributes to a signature look or sense of cocky can qualify as a mascot. It didn't really get mentioned in the pic, but in the book The Devil Wears Prada , Miranda Priestly keeps a white Hermés scarf on her person at all times. That scarf (or scarves, since she's constantly losing them and has a closetful of replacements) is Miranda's mascot.


In heraldry, a charge is a geometric motif or a stylized animal incorporated into the blueprint of a coat-of-arms. Each charge has a symbolic pregnant, usually tying into a family surname or a association motto.

Lions, eagles, and griffins are ofttimes utilized every bit charges: They correspond strength, fortitude, and valor, respectively, whereas roosters, cranes, lynxes, and marine-wolves all signify vigilance. (A marine-wolf is really just a seal, just I am going to call them marine-wolves for the rest of my life.)

Destination Escutcheon. Nobody simply The Shamen volition appreciate this pun, and I am okay with that. (Paradigm via Pixabay.)

What's cool is that "accuse" tin can likewise be used every bit a verb — if a shield features charges of cameleopards (otherwise known as giraffes), you'd say, "This shield is charged with cameleopards." Ergo, instead of proverb, "Gerard Butler is my spirit animate being," I could say, "I AM CHARGED WITH GERARD BUTLER," which sounds infinitely more bad-ass.


Within the Hirsuite Fandom, a fursona is one's anthropomorphic animal grapheme. Some furries just like dressing upwards every bit their fursona, whereas others have a desire to become their fursona, or strongly feel that their fursona is an expression of who they are on the within.

[Ed. Annotation: Furries are non to be dislocated with therians, who believe themselves to be non-human animals trapped in homo form, or otherkin, who believe themselves to be mythological creatures. That'due south, like, a whole 'nuther blog mail.]

Bloop. (Image via Pixabay.)

Fursonas have a surreal quality nigh them, and so if we're looking for a word to utilise ironically, peculiarly if nosotros're trying to explicate how much we relish something, "fursona" fits the bill nicely. If someone wants to blueprint a "Bacon Is My Fursona" T-shirt, I'll bet it will turn a profit.


[deep sigh]


"Patronus" is a Harry Potter thing. Upon casting the Patronus spell, the magician produces a magical, glowy animal that saves them from… evil badness, I guess? Stabby ghosts? Gender multifariousness? I haven't read the books.

"I love you, Slugtronus." "I love you too, Cisgender Hooman." (Image via Pixabay.)

I have besides never been a JK Rowling fan, even before she outed herself equally the TERFiest TERF who always TERFed. And it makes me crazy when Witches refer to people who don't practice magic every bit "muggles." But… okay, listen, if some random Good Samaritan pulls you out of a burning building, and you're like, "Thank you, mister! Y'all're my Patronus now," I tin can't stop y'all, and I'1000 honestly merely glad yous're still alive.

So… blargh. Fine. Yes, Virginia, there is a Patronus.

Your Zoological Horoscope for Today

Now that we've got all these alternatives to "spirit beast," we can start applying them, which will upshot in actually precise portraits of ourselves and how nosotros perceive our preferences. As follows:

The Toad is my familiar — fifty-fifty when I'k playing with with The Liminal Spirits Oracle , the Toad card almost ever turns upwardly in readings about Witchcraft; gnomes dressed equally Witches are my household genii locorum, and the opossum that tried to kill me is a genius loci equally well; the Horned Rabbit is my mascot; the Bee is my accuse; Postmodern Jukebox is my daemon; Brookies are my fursona.

And my tutelary spirit is the Skunk.

The forenoon after my initiation, my High Priest and I were sitting out on a porch in Berkeley, CA. (Nobody else was up yet because it was 6 a.m., but nosotros were both nevertheless on Texas fourth dimension.) We were sipping coffee and idly chatting almost any, when he suddenly stopped and went, "Oh, shit, await," and pointed towards the street. A skunk was ambling down the sidewalk, only grooving along in the misty light without a care in the world.

Since that day, I just kind of follow the Skunk. Whenever I demand to showroom quiet conviction, or make a superficial display to let people know not to mess with me, I call upon Big Skunk Energy to become me through.

"The Witch is back… and this time, there's scent to pay." (Image via Artistic Commons.)

Chase was correct when he said I'm unassuming merely devastating in my full power. And while he got the kingdom wrong, he definitely nailed the color scheme.

Equally for my soul fauna, I never really thought I had i. Merely and so I read a tweet from this guy @urvillageidiot (whose account has unfortunately been suspended):

yous wake up.

y'all're still a lizard sunning on a scarlet rock. it was all a dream.

the concept of selling "feet pics" to pay back "student loans" is already losing its meaning as you open and lick your ain eyeballs to moisten them.

Time to eat a bug.

And I just… oof.

Big mood, y'all. Hard same.

More than discord, yous say? But of course! Follow Fivefold Law on Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , and Zazzle .

Does Find Familiar Look Like Regular Animal




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